2022 High School Golf National Invitational heads back to Pinehurst next summer

Find Golf Seminars by State

Did you know there are golf seminars available for high school students, coaches and parents? Seminars focus on college golf opportunities and understanding the rules of golf.  Explore some of the options below today!

Know about a golf seminar that isn’t listed? Email: Mike@highschoolgolf.org

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Golf seminars & high school news updates

Local Golf Seminars

Alabama Golf Seminars

Alabama state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
January - March

Alabama Golf Assoc.

Arizona Golf Seminars

Arizona state outline

College Golf Seminars

Junior Golf Assoc. of Arizona

Rules of Golf Seminars
October - December

Arizona Golf Assoc.

Arkansas Golf Seminars

Arkansas state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

California Golf Seminars

California state outline

College Golf Seminars

Southern California Golf Assoc.

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - March

Northern California PGA

Southern California Golf Assoc.

Colorado Golf Seminars

Colorado state outline

College Golf Seminars

Junior Golf Assoc. of Colorado

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - April

Colorado Golf Assoc.

Connecticut Golf Seminars

Connecticut state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminar

Conn. State Golf Assoc.

Delaware Golf Seminars

Delaware state outline

College Golf Seminars

Golf Assoc. of Philadelphia

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Florida Golf Seminars

Florida state outline

College Golf Seminars

South Florida PGA

Rules of Golf Seminars
April - May

Florida State Golf Assoc.

Georgia Golf Seminars

Georgia state outline

College Golf Seminars

Georgia State Golf Assoc.

Rules of Golf Seminars
January - March

Georgia State Golf Assoc.

Hawaii Golf Seminars

Hawaii state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Hawaii State Golf Assoc.

Idaho Golf Seminars

Idaho state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Idaho Golf Assoc.

Illinois Golf Seminars

Illinois state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - May

Chicago District Golf Assoc.

Indiana Golf Seminars

Indiana state outline

College Golf Seminars

Indiana Golf Foundation

Rules of Golf Seminars

Indiana Golf Foundation

Iowa Golf Seminars

Iowa state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Iowa Golf Assoc.

Kansas Golf Seminars

Kansas state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Kentucky Golf Seminars

Kentucky state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - March

Golf House of Kentucky

Louisiana Golf Seminars

Louisiana state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - March

Louisiana Golf Assoc.

Maine Golf Seminars

Maine state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Maine State Golf Assoc.

Maryland Golf Seminars

Maryland state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Maryland Golf Assoc.

Mass Golf Seminars

Massachuetts state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - March

Mass Golf

Michigan Golf Seminars

Michigan state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - May

Golf Assoc. of Michigan

Minnesota Golf Seminars

Minnesota state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Minnesota Golf Association

Mississippi Golf Seminars

Mississippi state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Missouri Golf Seminars

Missouri state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Montana Golf Seminars

Montana state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Nebraska Golf Seminars

Nebraska state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Nebraska Golf Assoc.

Nevada Golf Seminars

Nevada state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Southern Nevada Golf Assoc.

New Hampshire Golf Seminars

New Hampshire state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - May

New Hampshire Golf Assoc.

New Jersey Golf Seminars

New Jersey state outline

College Golf Seminars

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - May

New Jersey State Golf Assoc.

New Mexico Golf Seminars

New Mexico state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - March

Sun Country PGA

New York Golf Seminars

New York state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - April

New York State Golf Assoc.

N. Carolina Golf Seminars

North Carolina state outline

College Golf Seminars
December - January

Tarheel Youth Junior Golf Assoc.

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - May

Carolinas Golf Assoc.

N. Dakota Golf Seminars

North Dakota state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

North Dakota Golf Assoc.

Ohio Golf Seminars

Ohio state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - May

Miami Valley Golf

Southern Ohio PGA

Oklahoma Golf Seminars

Oklahoma state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Oregon Golf Seminars

Oregon state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Oregon Golf Assoc.

Penn Golf Seminars

Pennsylvania state outline

College Golf Seminars

Golf Assoc. of Philadelphia

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Rhode Island Golf Seminars

Rhode Island state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

S. Carolina Golf Semainrs

South Carolina state outline

College Golf Seminars
December - January

Tarheel Youth Golf Assoc.

Rules of Golf Seminars

South Carolina Golf Assoc.

S. Dakota Golf Seminars

South Dakota state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Tennessee Golf Seminars

Tennessee state outline

College Golf Seminars
January - February

Tennessee Junior Golf

Rules of Golf Seminars
January - February

Tennessee Golf Assoc.

Texas Golf Seminars

Texas state outline

College Golf Seminars

Rules of Golf Seminars

Texas Golf Assoc.

Utah Golf Seminars

Utah state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - April

Utah Golf Assoc.

Vermont Golf Seminars

Vermont state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

None Available

Virginia Golf Semainrs

Virginia state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - April

Virginia State Golf Assoc.

Washington Golf Seminars

Washington state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
March - April

Washington State Golf Assoc.

W. Virginia Golf Seminars

West Virginia state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
January - March

None Available

Wisconsin Golf Seminars

Wisconsin state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars
February - March

Wisconsin State Golf Assoc.

Wyoming Golf Seminars

Wyoming state outline

College Golf Seminars

None Available

Rules of Golf Seminars

Wyoming Golf Assoc.