Winter can be tough on a lot of sports, but perhaps affects golf more than any other. The inability to hit balls outside makes keeping up with your game in winter very difficult, however, there are ways for you to stay active with your golf game in the winter. Let’s take a look at some of the best options.
Find an indoor golf facility: Indoor golf is becoming more and more prevalent across the United States. TopGolf has revolutionized this industry, but many other similar facilities exist. Whether you are looking for coaching, a putting green, a full on outdoor driving range with heated bays, simulators, or even just a place with a net and trackman, we’ve got you covered. Find indoor golf facilities near you.
Work on strength and conditioning: Often overlooked is the importance of strengthening your golf muscles, especially in the winter when we all tend to get a little lazier. Looking for a complete golf workout program for this winter?
Watch golf on TV: I know what you’re thinking, “how is watching golf going to help improve my own game?” Nowadays, commentators go into more depth than ever before, and microphone and camera improvements have made it so that often you can hear the players go through their decision making process. This can be just as helpful as watching all the different swings and trying to copy some of the things that PGA Tour players do.
Work on your putting stroke: Find a carpet, rug, or somewhat smooth surface inside your home. Sure, the speed and consistency isn’t the same as a real putting green, but it can help with your timing and arc A LOT. Just hit 50 putts a day and get them to come off your putter rolling straight without concerning yourself with the end result of the ball. You can even draw a line all the way around the ball so you can see if it rolls straight off the face.